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Priyadarshan's poems on Kaavyaalaya

Poems translated by Priyadarshan
Divya - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Articles by Priyadarshan
Holocaust Mein Ek Kavita
Famous writer, poet and journalist Priyadarshan is originally from Ranchi, Jharkhand and is currently working as a senior editor of NDTV India in New Delhi.
Seventeen of his books have been published so far-
Story collection - baarish, dhuaan aur dost' aur 'usake hisse kaa jaadoo', aur 'saheliyaa(n) tathaa any kahaaniyaa(n)', 'hatyaaraa'
Poetry collection - 'naShT kuchh bhee naheen hotaa', ''yah jo kaayaa kee maayaa hai'
Critical Appreciation - 'global samay men gady', 'global samay men kavitaa'
Novel - 'j़indagee laaiv'
Others - 'nae daur kaa sinemaa', 'itihaas gaḌhataa samay', 'khabar bekhabar', 'duniyaa mere aage'
Coming soon - 'kyaa yah shahar tumhaaraa hai?'
He has translated seven books and edited three books, including works by Salman Rushdie and Arundhati Roy. Regular diverse writing on various political-social-cultural topics for past three decades have been published in all important Hindi newspapers and magazines.

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